Bio-based adhesives & cleaners

Environmental thinking - not waiting!

The world’s population is increasing - but our fossil resources are decreasing. So, more than ever before, it is essential to think of a sustainable future! Exactly for these reasons, sustainability, particularly regarding environmental protection, is of particular importance. It is therefore also an important subject for Weiss, not only for today, but also for future generations.

Responsible management of our water protection, exhaust gasses, and waste cyclesalready form part of our firmly established standards. And now, to further optimize our utilization of resources, we are concentrating on replacing fossil fuels in our adhesives with renewable resources.

Ecological sustainability - bio-based adhesives

Our bio-based adhesives actively contribute to the protection of the environment: As innovative products, they have been developed with particular consideration for our limited resources, yet without losing sight of the top quality which we consider a matter of course.

To a large extent, many of these raw materials produced by agricultural and silvicultural processesare climate-neutral. This way, no increase of CO² emissions will be generated in the future. Environmental and limited resources will be protected for further generations. In the meantime, there are numerous possibilities for processing the most diverse bio-based materials such as starch, vegetable oil, resins, lignins, proteins, and others. It is also possible to use renewable raw materials in adhesives. By substituting fossil resources, we have succeeded in developing adhesives on the basis of bio-based products.

Optimization of our adhesives

Our bio-based adhesives include a high content of raw material from renewable sources. Simultaneously we are further improving their already very good properties. Sustainable quality....made by Weiss!

COSMO® PU-200.910

Biobased 2-part PUR adhesive

Bio-based high-performance adhesive that is flame retardant and very low in emissions according to GEV Emicode EC 1Plus. Excellently suited for various applications in the industrial sector such as for vehicle superstructures as well as for the production of composite elements and for building renovations.


  • Manufacture of sandwich and apron elements
  • Bonding of surfaces
  • Structural, force-locking bonding of the most varying material combinations, e.g. in the field of vehicle body manufacture
  • It is especially used in specialist firms in the field of stair restoration as high-strength, tough-elastic bonding and levelling compound for laying of step elements


  • Bio-based on sustainable raw materials (approx. 67 % biobased carbon content)
  • Very low emission*
  • tough-elastic adhesive joint
  • Solvent-free
  • Thixotropic, does not drop off
  • Compatible with natural stone
  • Good adhesion characteristics to several types of material surfaces, e.g. PVC-hard, GRP (ground), Alu, HPL etc. on diverse insulating materials, e.g. PUR-, PS-foam and mineral wool after appropriate preparation of the surfaces
  • Good weather-proofness
  • Can be over-coated with many paint systems
  • Low flame-spread characteristics when hard-dry


COSMO® PU-200.900

Biobased 2-part PUR adhesive

Not subject to labelling with H351 (R40) 2-part biobased adhesive with excellent heat- and weather resistance for constructional force-locked connections.


  • Hard pointing of wall elements
  • Structural, force-locking bonding of the most varying material combinations, e.g. in the field of vehicle body manufacture
  • For bonding of Alu, HPL, GRP and other materials
  • Aluminium window and door manufacturing for bonding of corner connectors


  • Bio-based on sustainable raw materials (approx. 59 % biobased carbon content)
  • UV colour retention
  • semi-hard adhesive joint
  • Solvent-free
  • Thixotropic, does not drop off
  • Good weather-proofness
  • Can be over-coated with many paint systems
  • Features easy handling of tandem cartridge with static mixer

more details

COSMO® PU-220.900

2-part PUR biobased surface adhesive


  • Is used in the surface bonding of XPS, GRP, steel sheet, anodised aluminium, stainless steel, mineral wool, PVC, etc.


  • Bio-based on sustainable raw materials (approx. 60 % biobased carbon content)
  • Very low foaming with moist materials
  • Tough-elastic adhesive joint
  • Adheres to a wide variety of substrates
  • Excellent wetting of substrates
  • Very hydrophobic, thus good water resistance
  • Optimum for vacuum pressing

more details

Questions for adhesives

Do you have questions?
Our Consultants:

Hans-Jürgen Sieber
Tel.: +49 (0) 2773/815-274 - Email

Division Adhesives
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