Fast setting instant glues


The solvent-free one-component, fast-setting instant glues made by Weiss especially feature high universality and support you efficiently in all processes where they especially depend on fast and powerful bonding.

The most difficult material connections which, in the past, could only be achieved by complex bonding processes with long pressing and rest times, can now be performed with our highly-modern CA-adhesives within seconds and are immediately ready for the next production process.

Nearly all conventional materials, e.g. metals, many types of plastic, elastomers, wood, leather, ceramics, stone and many more, can be bonded with high strength, to be safe and age-resistant using the COSMO® fast-setting instant glues.

COSMO® CA-500.110

CA instant glue

Super-fast cyanoacrylate adhesive with wide adhesive spectrum for applications in trade and industry.


COSMO® CA-500.120

CA instant glue

Universal instant glue with very high strength.



COSMO® CA-500.130

Decor instant glue

The ideal solution for each bonding on surfaces with decor foil.



COSMO® CA-500.140

CA instant glue

Instant glue particularl


COSMO® CA-500.170

CA instant glue

This assembly expert hardening up within seconds achieves a very high bonding strength and is particularly suitable for absorbent undergrounds. Untergründe.



COSMO® CA-500.200

CA instant glue

CA-adhesive with short setting time and wide adhesion spectrum, particularly suitable for the bonding of plastic materials.




Questions for adhesives

Do you have questions?
Our Consultants:

Hans-Jürgen Sieber
Tel.: +49 (0) 2773/815-274 - Email

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