Pudol, Niederdreisbach

General company info

Company name: Pudol Chemie GmbH & Co. KG
Street: Bahnhofstr. 2
Zip code / place: 57520 Niederdreisbach
Country: Deutschland
Phone: +49 (0) 2743 / 9212 - 0
Fax: +49 (0) 2743 / 9212 - 71
Email: info@pudol.de
Internet: www.pudol.de
Commercial register: HRA 1714 AG Montabaur
Founded in: 1914
Managing Director: Christian Dölle
Product pipeline: Cleaning agents for various applications, cleaning products, liquid soaps with skin protection properties, accessories
Division Adhesives
Currently our product line includes more than 400 types of surface and construction adhesives, instant glues and special adhesives for a multitude of different applications. A comprehensive selection of special cleaning agents, special products, and accessories also constitutes a part of our delivery program. » MORE
Division Composite panels
Our sandwich panels consist exclusively of high-quality material composites and are joined using an adhesive that has been developed by our company exclusively for that purpose and proven its reliability over the course of many years, resulting in a premium sandwich panel that may fully convince in terms of quality, solidity and longevity. » MORE
Division Facade elements
With all its building-physical and economic advantages, the façade element is the preferred building component for commercial and functional buildings. Our façade elements have proved to be successful for many years with their excellent heat and noise insulating characteristics in famous buildings of European architecture. » MORE