Composite panels for windows

We offer thermally insulated sandwich panels for profile widening in window construction.


COSMO® Frame - PVC

PVC on both sides, XPS/PR core

Composite panels consisting of a PVC compact panel with a thickness of 2,0mm and a core of extruded polystyrene foam (XPS) and polyurethane foam (PUR).

Product details

COSMO® Frame - PVC

PVC on both sides, XPS/TK core

Composite panels consisting of a PVC compact panel with a thickness of 2,0mm and a core of extruded polystyrene foam (XPS) and thermoplastic plastic (TK).

Product details

COSMO® Frame (dB) - PVCR

PVC on both sides, XPS/TK core

Composite panels consisting of a PVC compact panel with a thickness of 2,0mm and a core of extruded polystyrene foam (XPS) and thermoplastic plastic (TK).

Product details

COSMO® Frame (dB) - PVC

PVC on both sides, XPS/PR core, heavy film insert

Sound and heat insulated composite panels consisting of PVC compact panels with a thickness of 2,0mm and a core of extruded polystyrene foam (XPS) and PUR recycling material (PR).

Product details

Questions for sandwich elements

Do you have questions? Please contact:

Jörg Bander
Sales composite panels
Tel.: +49 (0) 2773/815-306 - Email

Ralf Marxen
Sales facade elements
Tel.: +49 (0) 5245/9241-21 - Email

Geschäftsbereich Klebstoffe
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Geschäftsbereich Sandwichelemente
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Geschäftsbereich Fassadenelemente
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