Composite panels for the trailer construction

The use of ultra-lightweight composite panels in the trailer production permits a significant weight reduction as opposed to normal structures. On top of that, our sandwich panels offer the necessary high stability, adding excellent thermal insulation properties to the mix. Our panels are used in ceilings, for walls and doors as well as for floor panels.

Depending on the requirements and application we design the right panel for you, leaving you to choose from a large variety of possible material combinations. In practical applications sandwich panels with top layers made of aluminium, fibre reinforced plastics or PVC produced particularly good results


Suitable COSMO® sandwich panels can be found in the following categories

Questions for sandwich elements

Do you have questions? Please contact:

Jörg Bander
Sales composite panels
Tel.: +49 (0) 2773/815-306 - Email

Ralf Marxen
Sales facade elements
Tel.: +49 (0) 5245/9241-21 - Email

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